The journey from 500L to 50,000L...

The journey from 500L to 50,000L...

Well, let’s start at the beginning, the pilot system. The little 500L powerhouse that sits in the back corner of our original brewery at 14 Traders Way. No fancy gadgets or tricks, no automation. Just a brewmaster tinkering away enjoying the visceral experience of making beer with his hands. It is the smallest system in the house with the biggest impact because this is the place where every single Balter Beer ever brewed has come to life.

Once a beer emerges from the pilot system, it lands on our taproom wall, which acts as an unbiased voting system with ballots only cast by your tastebuds. We can see what sparks your attention and what doesn’t. From there the winning candidates graduate to the DME Brewhouse (at 14 Traders Way) which sends wort into a network of 34 x 7000L fermenters. This is where we brew our smaller core range beers and all our limited releases.

Then we have the mothership, the 500HL (hectolitre) Krones Brewhouse (at 6-10 Traders Way). A beautiful piece of German engineering brewing into these massive 50,000L Australian made spaceship size fermenters (check out picture 2 for scale). You’ll find the likes of XPA, Captain and Hazy being brewed out there and without it, we would not have been able to keep up with all you thirsty folks.

But while the big stuff looks impressive the origin of all our beer comes back to this 500L pilot brew kit tucked away in the shadows of the larger brewhouse. A space where @jl_scotty fastidiously pours over every detail as we strive to give you the best beers we can possibly make. So if anybody says that we don’t make our beers in Currumbin anymore, you can tell them, yes they do.


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