A beer with Highland Park Brewery (USA)

A beer with Highland Park Brewery (USA)

This is one of those posts you'll read and go 'good one dickheads would be nice to get it here'. For that we're sorry and we do hope to brew a keg run of it soon. But given the beer and the brewery we just wanted to share with you this special collab.

In a USA ONLY  release we made a beer with Highland Park, maker of one of our favourite beers Timbo ( a delicious West Coast Pils credited as the original modern West Coast Pils, which Stirls refers to as his desert island beer). 

Their taproom in Los Angeles is the perfect departure lounge when leaving via LAX where you will be well fed and well beer’d. 

When Bob approached Scotty to make a beer with them we were chuffed, and when we got to taste the outcome we were even chuffter (not a word but you get the point). 

If you’re an expat in LA, simply passing through or somehow reading this and happen to be in LA swing by Highland Park Brewery and grab a 4pack. Great brewery, great beer makers, great collab. Big cheers to Bob and the team. #withenjoyment #welovegoodbeer

Here's a little story by Hop Culture Mag about Timbo

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